.Crazy Höylä

Name Driver Nat. Time
01. Crazy Track MIF [ER] swe 3,57
02. Fall Of The Year Alexey rus 4,09
03. Short Flat Alexey rus 4,77
04. Tricky End Mika [27] rus 4,77
05. Fair Down Alexey rus 4,17
06. Spin jaytea [SpEF] usa 3,41
07. Onwards Uube [ReC] fin 6,52
08. Dynamic Turn Crazy swe 3,70
09. Höylä Battle Crazy swe 5,08
10. Predictable Bump TA [TB] fin 11,45
11. Small Filter Crazy swe 4,49
12. Gravity Switch Crazy swe 4,17
13. Roughness Road Mika [27] rus 4,24
14. Quarry b0ne [dat] swe 4,99
15. Flower Attack Karesz [qB] hun 6,04
16. Empty Hallway Crazy swe 6,43
17. 10 Metres Markku fin 5,29
18. Ramp Shock MagnusB [TAAF] nor 5,61
19. Deep Hollow TA [TB] fin 3,71
20. Walldrive Grace aus 6,48
21. Fertile Grounds Crazy swe 8,62
22. Gap World Zweq [WNO] fin 5,45
23. Supernatural Alexey rus 5,27
24. Mini Arena Crazy swe 10,54
25. Jump Thrice Crazy swe 5,59
26. Sedge Shaft Crazy swe 7,96
27. High Plateau Crazy swe 4,39
28. Sloping Stick Markku fin 4,94
29. Simple Walk Crazy swe 4,13
30. Discouraging Alexey rus 6,62
31. Ho Ho Kejebra- [EF] swe 5,47
32. Weird Race Crazy swe 7,97
33. Hmmm Crazy swe 3,66
34. Paltry Crazy swe 5,56
35. Duck Crazy swe 3,54
36. Fruit Gathering Mika [27] rus 11,63
37. Outsmarted Crazy swe 5,79
38. Pressure Point Kazan [EF] rus 6,78
39. Calloused Grace aus 8,04
40. Classic End TA [TB] fin 4,75
41. Blueliner Crazy swe 5,80
42. Taco Wagon Alexey rus 5,38
43. Tiny Hill Crazy swe 5,42
44. Drastic Actions Kazan [EF] rus 6,08
45. Heeh TA [TB] fin 3,43
46. Retaliation Crazy swe 5,49
47. Overbalance Alexey rus 6,79
48. Trick Recurrence Crazy swe 5,84
49. Incoherent Crazy swe 4,32
50. Going Up Crazy swe 6,82
51. Deviate Crazy swe 5,06
52. Red Venom Alexey rus 4,28
53. Predatory Moves Alexey rus 5,06
54. Useless Itinerary Crazy swe 4,37
55. Bounce Idea Crazy swe 4,35
56. Narrow Crazy swe 4,29
57. Modest Höylä Crazy swe 5,26
58. Melo Pot Crazy swe 4,08
59. Stunted Rowlock Crazy swe 7,18
60. Pole Vault Crazy swe 3,84
61. Natural Disaster Dynamo [HHIT] can 4,74
62. Technique Crazy swe 8,00
63. Rejoice Crazy swe 4,38
64. Jump Twice Kejebra- [EF] swe 6,70
65. Treasure Trove Crazy swe 7,40
66. Vintage Crazy swe 5,85
67. Orange Standard Markku fin 3,86
68. Lean Back Crazy swe 6,17
69. Framehöylä Alexey rus 5,39
70. Awkward Fall Crazy swe 3,66
71. Frontflip Grace aus 5,26
72. Shrimp Coctail TA [TB] fin 5,04
73. Playschool Alexey rus 7,26
74. Kidney Stone Kejebra- [EF] swe 6,71
75. Sequel NiLkKi fin 6,29
76. Halfpipe Crazy swe 5,83
77. Side Effect Alexey rus 1,85
78. Celestial Hell Crazy swe 4,60
79. Havoc Stick Alexey rus 3,02
80. Hang Riot Crazy swe 5,22
81. Start Again TA [TB] fin 5,64
82. Insecurity Alert Crazy swe 3,49
83. Ravishing Kejebra- [EF] swe 5,39
84. Concrete Timeline Crazy swe 7,39
85. Spin City Spef [dat] fin 2,51
86. Arctic Reward Crazy swe 4,64
87. Twist Box Alexey rus 4,68
88. Jazz Line Karesz [qB] hun 4,81
89. Airy Pants Crazy swe 3,66
90. Signing Off Crazy swe 6,36

.Crazy Totals

Nr Driver Nat. Total Time
1 Crazy swe 8,09,77
2 Alexey rus 8,12,58
3 TA [TB] fin 8,15,18
4 Seko fin 8,17,83
5 A.K.B. [KIRBY] aus 8,18,81
6 Karesz [LOS] hun 8,19,12
7 Markku fin 8,22,33
8 axxu [AC] fin 8,26,55
9 Uube [ReC] fin 8,26,96
10 Raven [TEM] fin 8,28,85
11 Dahle [LOS] nor 8,29,88
12 SmaXa [KIRBY] aus 8,39,58
13 BoneLESS [HHIT] can 8,45,06
14 Jonas [html] swe 8,50,99

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